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A hellgrammite is a type of aquatic insect larva that is commonly found in freshwater streams and rivers. It belongs to the family Corydalidae and is known for its elongated dark-colored body with multiple pairs of legs and pincer-like jaws.

Sense 1 (Noun):

1. A hellgrammite refers to the larval stage of a dobsonfly, widely used as bait for fishing due to its appealing characteristics to various fish species.

Example sentence: The angler attached a live hellgrammite to his fishing hook in hopes of catching a big trout.

Sense 2 (Noun):

2. In some regions, a hellgrammite can also refer to any large, intimidating insect that resembles the appearance of a dobsonfly larva.

Example sentence: The sight of a hairy hellgrammite crawling on the ground startled the hiker.

Sense 3 (Noun):

3. Locally, hellgrammite can be a colloquial term referring to a mischievous or trouble-making child or individual.

Example sentence: The neighborhood kids referred to Jimmy as the little hellgrammite since he was always causing trouble.

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