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hedge violet


Definitions from WordNet

Noun hedge violet has 1 sense
  1. hedge violet, wood violet, Viola sylvatica, Viola reichenbachiana - common European violet that grows in woods and hedgerows
    --1 is a kind of violet

Definitions from the Web

Hedge Violet

Definition: Hedge violet refers to any of the various small, delicate, perennial plants belonging to the genus Viola, typically cultivated for their attractive violet-colored flowers and green leaves. These plants are commonly found in hedges and are known for their cultural and medicinal uses.



  1. The hedge violet in their garden bloomed beautifully in the spring. [plant]
  2. She admired the hedge violets' vibrant colors. [flowers]
  3. The hedge violet's lush foliage provided a lovely backdrop to the garden. [leaves]


  1. He captured the delicate beauty of the hedge violet flowers in his painting. [describing flowers]
  2. The hedge violet plant requires regular care and maintenance. [describing plant]
  3. We were enchanted by the hedge violet's charming appearance. [describing appearance]

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