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heavenly city


Definitions from WordNet

Noun heavenly city has 1 sense
  1. Celestial City, City of God, Heavenly City, Holy City - phrases used to refer to Heaven; "the Celestial City was Christian's goal in Bunyan's `Pilgrim's Progress'"
    --1 is a kind of Heaven

Definitions from the Web

Heavenly City


Heavenly City refers to a mystical or celestial place often associated with paradise or a divine realm. The term is commonly used metaphorically to describe an idyllic or idealized location that represents perfection and bliss.

Senses and Usages:


  • A heavenly city often symbolizes the afterlife in various religious beliefs.
  • The term can also refer to a metaphorical utopian city or a perfect society on Earth.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The notion of a heavenly city exists in many religious texts, promising eternal happiness.
  2. John Milton vividly described the heavenly city in his epic poem "Paradise Lost."
  3. The book portrays the protagonist building a heavenly city from scratch, with an emphasis on equality and justice.
  4. During her meditation practice, Sarah imagined herself walking through a heavenly city, surrounded by beauty and serenity.

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