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health code


Definitions from WordNet

Noun health code has 1 sense
  1. sanitary code, health code - set of standards established and enforced by government for health requirements as in plumbing etc
    --1 is a kind of code, codification

Definitions from the Web

Health Code

Definition: A set of rules and regulations imposed by governmental health authorities to ensure the safety and hygienic conditions of public facilities, such as restaurants, hotels, and hospitals.

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 1: The set of health and safety regulations

Example Sentence 1: The restaurant was shut down because they violated multiple health codes.

Example Sentence 2: All staff members must undergo training to comply with the health code requirements.

Sense 2: A unique identification number or barcode assigned to a product related to health and wellness.

Example Sentence 1: Scan the health code on the supplement bottle to view its nutritional information.

Example Sentence 2: The health code on the medical device allows for easy tracking and identification.

Sense 3: A system or set of guidelines aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Example Sentence 1: Following a strict health code can greatly improve your overall well-being.

Example Sentence 2: Our website offers tips and articles about living by a health code.

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