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Definitions from WordNet

Noun haulier has 1 sense
  1. hauler, haulier - a haulage contractor
    --1 is a kind of contractor
    --1 has particulars: carter, garbage carter, garbage hauler

Definitions from the Web



Hauliers refer to individuals or companies engaged in the transportation of goods or cargo by road, typically using large vehicles such as lorries or trucks.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun
  • Plural: hauliers


  1. A person or company involved in the transportation of goods by road.
  2. The act of transporting goods by road.
  3. The industry or business sector of road transportation.

Sample Sentences:

  • The hauliers delivered the shipment of goods on time.
  • Many hauliers specialize in transporting perishable goods.
  • The hauliers union is negotiating better working conditions for its members.

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