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hands down favourites


Definitions from the Web

Term: Hands Down Favourites


Popular and Local: Hands down favourites refer to something that is widely loved and preferred by a majority of people, either on a general scale (popular) or within a specific area or community (local).


1. Noun: Hands Down Favourites

- The local bakery's mouthwatering pastries are hands down favourites among the residents.

- The Harry Potter series is considered hands down favourites by millions of readers worldwide.

2. Adjective: Hands Down Favourite

- The popular television show is a hands down favourite among teenagers.

- The cozy cafe is my hands down favourite spot to relax and enjoy a cup of coffee.

3. Adverb: Hands Down

- She won the race hands down, finishing several seconds ahead of her competitors.

- The talented singer's performance was hands down the best of the night.

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