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Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 1: A piece of bone with some meat, typically from a ham.

Example sentence: I love sucking on the hambone after finishing a delicious ham dinner.

Related products: Hambone Rub, Hambone Soup Recipes

Sense 2: A style of percussive body music in which various body parts, particularly the hands, thighs, and chest, are used as instruments to create rhythms.

Example sentence: The hambone dance routine featured mesmerizing beats created by the performer slapping their body parts rhythmically.

Related products: Hambone Dance Instruction DVD, Hambone Rhythm Classes

Sense 3: A term used to describe someone who is clumsy or awkward in their movements.

Example sentence: Jake was such a hambone on the dance floor, constantly tripping over his own feet.

Related products: Hambone's Guide to Graceful Moves, Embrace Your Inner Hambone: Overcoming Clumsiness

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