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Definition: Hallaj refers to Mansur al-Hallaj, a famous Persian mystic and poet who lived in the 9th and 10th centuries. He is known for his controversial teachings and mystical experiences of unity with God.

Sense 1 (Proper Noun):

  1. (Historical Figure) Mansur al-Hallaj: A Persian mystic and poet who lived in the 9th and 10th centuries. He was known for his provocative views on religious unity and divine love.
    • Sample Sentence 1: Many spiritual seekers consider Mansur al-Hallaj as a prominent figure in Sufi mysticism.
    • Sample Sentence 2: The poems of Mansur al-Hallaj are highly regarded for their profound spiritual insights.

Sense 2 (Noun):

  1. (Concept) Hallaj's Teachings: The mystical teachings and ideas espoused by Mansur al-Hallaj.
    • Sample Sentence 1: Studying Hallaj's teachings can provide profound insights into the nature of divine love.
    • Sample Sentence 2: Many Sufi scholars have written extensively about the impact of Hallaj's teachings on Islamic mysticism.

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