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Definitions from WordNet

Noun half-slip has 1 sense
  1. petticoat, half-slip, underskirt - undergarment worn under a skirt
    --1 is a kind of undergarment
    --1 has particulars: crinoline

Definitions from the Web



A half-slip, also known as underskirt or waist slip, is a lightweight undergarment worn by women to provide coverage and reduce transparency beneath a skirt or dress. It typically extends from the waist to the mid-thigh or knee, depending on the desired length.

Senses and Usages:

1. Noun - Clothing

A half-slip refers to a specific type of undergarment used to provide an additional layer of coverage and modesty when wearing skirts or dresses.

Example Sentence: She wore a black half-slip underneath her white skirt to prevent it from being see-through.

2. Noun - Fashion

Half-slip can also be used to describe a fashion accessory or embellishment that resembles the shape or style of a traditional half-slip. These decorative pieces are often seen in modern clothing designs.

Example Sentence: The designer incorporated a delicate lace half-slip into the design of the evening gown, giving it an elegant and vintage touch.

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