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half of that away


Definitions from the Web

Half of That Away


Half of That Away refers to being halfway to a specific location or destination. It is commonly used when giving directions or indicating a point that is located approximately halfway between two places.

Sense 1: Location


1. Half of That Away - The approximate midpoint between two given locations.

Example Sentence:

- The restaurant you are looking for is half of that away from the park and the museum.

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Sense 2: Distance


1. Half of That Away - Indicating a distance that is approximately halfway to a specific location or destination.

Example Sentence:

- We hiked for several hours but realized we were only half of that away from the mountain peak.

Related Products: Hiking Gear

Sense 3: Time


1. Half of That Away - Referring to a point in time that is approximately halfway between two given times.

Example Sentence:

- The event starts at 8:00 PM, so make sure to arrive at half of that away to find a good seat.

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