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half gainer


Definitions from WordNet

Noun half gainer has 1 sense
  1. half gainer - a dive in which the diver throws the feet forward and up to complete a half backward somersault and enters the water facing the diving board
    --1 is a kind of
    dive, diving

Definitions from the Web

Half Gainer


A half gainer is a diving maneuver where the diver jumps backward and rotates 180 degrees in the air before entering the water headfirst.

Example sentence: He executed a flawless half gainer, impressing the judges with his aerial skills.

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Diving Equipment Swim Goggles


In a popular usage, "half gainer" can be used as an adjective to describe a local swimming pool that attracts a large number of people.

Example sentence: The half gainer pool hosted a community-wide pool party, drawing in hundreds of swimmers.

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Pool Party Decorations Inflatable Pool
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