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gulp down


Definitions from the Web

Term: gulp down


Gulp down is a phrasal verb that is commonly used to describe the act of swallowing something quickly and in large amounts. It implies a hurried or voracious manner of consuming food or drink.

Sample Sentences:


  1. He gulped down the hot soup before it got cold.
  2. She gulps down her coffee every morning to wake up.
  3. After running the marathon, he was very thirsty and gulped down a whole bottle of water.


  1. With a loud gulp down, he swallowed the medicine and made a face.
  2. She took a big gulp down of the milkshake and smiled with satisfaction.
  3. His throat made a loud gulp down as he chugged the cold beer.


  1. He was known for his gulp-down drinking habits during college parties.
  2. She had a gulp-down appetite and could finish a whole pizza by herself.
  3. The gulp-down competition required participants to consume a large bowl of noodles in the shortest time.

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