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Part of Speech: Adjective

Definition: Describing something or someone that is simultaneously foolish and adventurous.


Sense 1: Foolishly idealistic or romantic in a reckless way

Example sentence 1: Despite everyone warning him, John embarked on a guioxotic journey to find the lost city of Atlantis.

Example sentence 2: Jenny's guioxotic belief that love conquers all often leads to heartbreak.

Sense 2: Reflecting an unachievable or impractical enthusiasm

Example sentence 1: The guioxotic dream of a world without poverty motivates many activists to fight for social justice.

Example sentence 2: Marc's guioxotic idea of starting a business with zero capital seemed impossible to his friends.


Popular usage: The term "guioxotic" gained popularity on social media, describing individuals or actions that are seen as naive and daring at the same time.

Local usage: In the local community, "guioxotic" is often used to describe young adventurers attempting daring feats without considering the potential consequences.

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