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ground meat


Definitions from the Web

Term: Ground Meat
  1. Noun (Food): Ground meat refers to meat that has been minced or finely chopped. It typically includes beef, pork, veal, or poultry, and is commonly used as a base ingredient in various recipes such as burgers, meatballs, tacos, and meatloaf.

    Sample Sentence: She bought a pound of ground meat to make spaghetti Bolognese for dinner.

  2. Noun (Popular): In popular usage, ground meat is often associated with convenience and versatility in cooking. It provides individuals with an easy-to-handle and readily available meat option that can be used in a wide range of dishes.

    Sample Sentence: To save time, she often opts for ground meat when preparing quick weeknight meals.

  3. Verb (Local): In certain local dialects, the term "ground meat" can also be used as a verb, indicating the action of mincing or chopping meat into a finely ground texture.

    Sample Sentence: Grandma expertly ground meat using an old-fashioned hand-crank meat grinder.

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