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ground effect


Definitions from WordNet

Noun ground effect has 1 sense
  1. ground effect - apparent increase in aerodynamic lift experienced by an aircraft flying close to the ground
    --1 is a kind of
    aerodynamic lift, lift

Definitions from the Web

Ground Effect

Part of Speech: Noun
Sense: (Aviation) The phenomenon where an aircraft experiences increased lift and reduced drag when flying near the ground or water surface due to the cushioning effect of the air displaced by the wings.

Example Sentence: The pilot skillfully utilized ground effect during the takeoff, allowing the airplane to climb more efficiently.

Sense: (Engineering) The modification of an object's aerodynamic properties when it's close to the ground or water, especially observed in motorsports.

Example Sentence: The race car's improved downforce generated by the ground effect design allowed it to corner at higher speeds.

Sense: (Geology) The impact on surface water movement and sediment transport caused by the friction with the underlying solid material or terrain features.

Example Sentence: The ground effect heavily influenced the river's flow pattern, leading to erosion and sediment deposition in certain areas.

Sense: (Water Sports) A term used for the moment a waterborne board is lifted from the water surface onto a plane due to speed and hydrodynamic forces.

Example Sentence: The wakeboarder excitedly experienced the ground effect as he smoothly glided over the water's surface.

Related Products: Aviation Books, Motorsports DVDs, Geology Tools, Watersports Equipment

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