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gravity bomb


Definitions from WordNet

Noun gravity bomb has 1 sense
  1. dumb bomb, gravity bomb - a bomb that falls because of gravity and is not guided to a target
    --1 is a kind of bomb

Definitions from the Web

Gravity Bomb

Definition: A type of bomb that is dropped from an aircraft and falls towards its target relying solely on the force of gravity.


  1. Noun (Military): The gravity bomb exploded with a tremendous force, completely destroying the target.
  2. Noun (Colloquial): The comedian dropped a gravity bomb in his stand-up routine, leaving the audience roaring with laughter.
  3. Noun (Figurative): The shocking news hit her like a gravity bomb, leaving her stunned and speechless.
  4. Adjective: The gravity bomb attack was a devastating tactic employed by the military.
  5. Verb: The aircraft will gravity bomb the enemy territory at dawn.

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