Definitions from WordNet
Noun grand duchess has 1 sense | ||||
Definitions from the WebGrand DuchessDefinition:A grand duchess is a female monarch or wife of a grand duke who holds the highest rank in the hierarchy of nobility. Senses:1. Title:Grand Duchess can be used as an honorary title given to a female member of a royal family. Example sentence: The Grand Duchess of Luxembourg attended the state banquet. 2. Historical Role:A grand duchess refers to a female ruler in certain countries or regions which have a system of grand duchies. Example sentence: Catherine the Great was the last grand duchess of Russia before becoming empress. 3. Wife of a Grand Duke:A grand duchess can also be a term used to describe the wife of a grand duke. Example sentence: The Grand Duchess Alexandra played an influential role alongside her husband. Popular Usage:In popular usage, the term grand duchess is often associated with noblewomen who hold influential positions or are part of fascinating historical events. Local Usage:In local cultures, the term grand duchess may refer to a female ruler who reigns over a specific grand duchy or a noblewoman belonging to a grand ducal family. Related Products:Explore related products on Amazon: | ||||
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