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graham flour


Definitions from WordNet

Noun graham flour has 1 sense
  1. whole wheat flour, graham flour, graham, whole meal flour - flour made by grinding the entire wheat berry including the bran; (`whole meal flour' is British usage)
    --1 is a kind of wheat flour

Definitions from the Web

Graham Flour


Sense 1:

A coarse blend of whole wheat flour that is slightly sweetened and often used in baking.

Example sentence:

I replaced all-purpose flour with graham flour to add a nutty flavor to the cookies.


Sense 2:

Flour made from grinding the entire wheat berry, including the bran, germ, and endosperm.

Example sentence:

This recipe calls for half all-purpose flour and half graham flour for a healthier option.

Related products:

  • Whole Wheat Flour
  • Nuts and Seeds
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