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government agent


Definitions from WordNet

Noun government agent has 1 sense
  1. government agent - a representative or official of a government or administrative department of a government
    --1 is a kind of
    --1 has particulars: G-man, FBI agent, government man; revenuer; T-man

Definitions from the Web

Government Agent


A government agent refers to an individual who is employed by the government to represent its interests, enforce laws, or conduct investigations on its behalf. These agents can operate at various levels of government and in different fields, such as law enforcement, intelligence, and regulatory agencies.

Sample sentences:


  1. The government agent conducted a thorough investigation into the financial fraud.
  2. Tiffany aspired to become a government agent and work for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
  3. The government agent was tasked with protecting national security.


  1. The undercover government agent successfully infiltrated the criminal organization.
  2. The government agent team swiftly responded to the emergency situation.
  3. John's father was a dedicated government agent, constantly working to uphold justice.

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