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Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 1: Informal conversation or reports about other people's private lives, typically involving details that are not confirmed as true.

Example sentence 1: The office gossips were always eager to spread the latest rumors around the workplace.

Example sentence 2: She couldn't resist indulging in gossips about celebrities and their scandals.

Sense 2: A person who habitually engages in gossip.

Example sentence 1: Avoid those gossips who only bring negativity and rumors into your life.

Example sentence 2: She got tired of being surrounded by gossips, so she decided to distance herself from that group of friends.

Sense 3: Rumors, stories, or information about a particular topic, especially when it is passed from one person to another.

Example sentence 1: The gossips about the upcoming product release have sparked excitement among tech enthusiasts.

Example sentence 2: The gossips hinting at a possible merger between the two companies led to a surge in stock prices.

Part of Speech: Verb

Sense 1: To engage in casual or idle talk about other people's private lives.

Example sentence 1: They would gather in the park every afternoon to gossip and gosips about the neighborhood.

Example sentence 2: The students would often gossip and gosips during lunch breaks, eagerly discussing the latest news.

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