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Definitions from WordNet

Noun goering has 1 sense
  1. Goring, Goering, Hermann Goring, Hermann Goering, Hermann Wilhelm Goring - German politician in Nazi Germany who founded the Gestapo and mobilized Germany for war (1893-1946)
    --1 is a kind of Nazi, German Nazi

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Goering can refer to Hermann Goering, a prominent figure in Nazi Germany, or it can also be used as a verb to describe the act of imitating or emulating someone's mannerisms or behaviors.


Sense 1 (Proper noun):

In the context of Nazi Germany, Hermann Goering was a leading member of the Nazi Party and a key figure in Adolf Hitler's regime.

Example sentence: During World War II, Hermann Goering held significant influence within the Nazi regime.

Sense 2 (Verb):

When used as a verb, "goering" means to imitate or emulate someone, typically in a mocking or exaggerated manner.

Example sentence: He was always goering his boss, impersonating his way of speaking and walking around the office.

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