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Definitions from WordNet

Noun goatsfoot has 1 sense
  1. goatsfoot, goat's foot, Oxalis caprina - short-stemmed South African plant with bluish flowers
    --1 is a kind of oxalis, sorrel, wood sorrel

Definitions from the Web



Goatsfoot refers to a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the genus Tropaeolum. It is characterized by its rounded leaves resembling a goat's foot and vibrant flowers.


Sense 1:

Noun: A plant of the genus Tropaeolum, typically having yellow or orange flowers.

Example sentence: The goatsfoot in my garden is blooming beautifully this spring.

Sense 2:

Noun: The round leaf of a goatsfoot plant.

Example sentence: I picked a few goatsfoot leaves to add some color to the salad.

Sense 3:

Noun: A small, rounded coral-like stone found near the sea, resembling a goat's foot.

Example sentence: The beachcomber collected a handful of unique goatsfoot stones during his walk along the shore.


The term "goatsfoot" can be used in various contexts:

  • Botany: Referring to the plant genus Tropaeolum and its flowers.
  • Gardening: Describing the rounded leaves of the plant.
  • Geology: Describing small coral-like stones found near the sea.

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