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glottal catch


Definitions from WordNet

Noun glottal catch has 1 sense
  1. glottal stop, glottal plosive, glottal catch - a stop consonant articulated by releasing pressure at the glottis; as in the sudden onset of a vowel
    --1 is a kind of stop consonant, stop, occlusive, plosive consonant, plosive speech sound, plosive

Definitions from the Web

Glottal Catch


A glottal catch refers to a speech sound made by closing the vocal cords briefly, resulting in a momentary pause or interruption of airflow. It often occurs before the beginning of a vowel sound.


  • Noun: The glottal catch in "uh-oh" adds emphasis to express surprise.
  • Verb: He tends to glottal catch when pronouncing words ending with "-ing".
  • Adjective: Her pronunciation coach advised her to work on her glottal catch.
  • Adverb: The speaker cleared his throat glottally before continuing his presentation.

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