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Definitions from WordNet

Noun gimcrackery has 1 sense
  1. falderal, folderol, frills, gimcrackery, gimcracks, nonsense, trumpery - ornamental objects of no great value
    --1 is a kind of decoration, ornament, ornamentation

Definitions from the Web



Gimcrackery refers to something showy or ornamental but of little value or substance. It can also describe items that are cheap, gaudy, or lacking in quality.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun

Senses and Usages:

  1. Popular Sense: (Noun) Something showy or ornamental but lacking quality or value.
  2. Example Sentence: The store was filled with tacky gimcrackery, including glittery trinkets and plastic decorations.

  3. Local Sense: (Noun) Refers to local items of little worth but selling well within a particular region or community.
  4. Example Sentence: The craft fair featured a wide variety of local gimcrackery, such as homemade crafts and regional souvenirs.

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