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get it right


Definitions from the Web



Get it right is a phrase that means to accomplish or perform something correctly or accurately, often to meet a particular standard or expectation.

Parts of Speech:
  • Verb phrase
  1. Understand or perform something correctly

  1. Popular: Used in everyday language to emphasize the importance of doing something accurately or correctly.
  2. Local: Commonly used in informal contexts to convey the need for precision or accuracy within a specific community or group.

Sample Sentences:

  1. She always gets her assignments right on the first try.
  2. It is crucial to get the measurements right while baking a cake.
  3. He couldn't get the dance steps right no matter how hard he practiced.
  4. The teacher explained the concept again to ensure that all students would get it right.
  5. In our local band, it's important to get the sound mix right for every performance.
  6. If you want to be a part of this tight-knit community, you need to get the slang right.

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