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german sheperd


Definitions from the Web

German Shepherd

German Shepherd, also known as Alsatian, is a breed of large-sized working dog originating from Germany. They are highly intelligent, versatile, and have a strong protective instinct.


  1. Noun (Singular): A German Shepherd is a breed of dog that is commonly used in police and military roles, as well as in search and rescue operations.
  2. Noun (Plural): German Shepherds, also referred to as Alsatians, are preferred by many families as loyal and loving pets.

Sample Sentences:

  • 1. The German Shepherd excels in obedience training due to its intelligence and willingness to work.
  • 2. German Shepherds are known for their exceptional ability to detect explosives.
  • 3. Our neighbor's German Shepherd patrols their property, ensuring its security.
  • 4. After a long day, I enjoy taking my German Shepherd for a walk in the park.

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