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gerard manley hopkins


Definitions from WordNet

Noun gerard manley hopkins has 1 sense
  1. Hopkins, Gerard Manley Hopkins - English poet (1844-1889)
    --1 is a kind of poet

Definitions from the Web

Gerard Manley Hopkins


Gerard Manley Hopkins was an English poet and Jesuit priest, known for his innovative and highly descriptive poetry. He is celebrated for his use of vivid imagery and intricate meter, which often tackled themes of nature, spirituality, and the beauty of God's creation.

Sample Sentences:

Noun: Gerard Manley Hopkins's poetry is a testament to his unparalleled talent for capturing the essence of nature.

Verb: As a devout Jesuit priest, Gerard Manley Hopkins dedicated his life to serving God and guiding others.

Adjective: The Gerard Manley Hopkins-style poem painted a breathtaking picture of the meadow in spring.

Adverb: The poet's verses flowed Gerard Manley Hopkins-ly, rhythmically expressing his unique perspective on the world.

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