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genus malopterurus


Definitions from WordNet

Noun genus malopterurus has 1 sense
  1. Malopterurus, genus Malopterurus - electric catfish
    --1 is a kind of fish genus
    --1 is a member of Siluridae, family Siluridae
    --1 has members: electric catfish, Malopterurus electricus

Definitions from the Web

Genus Malopterurus


The genus Malopterurus refers to a group of freshwater catfish species belonging to the family Amphiliidae. These unique catfish are endemic to various regions in Africa.

Sense 1 - Popular Usage

In popular usage, genus Malopterurus commonly refers to the African Butter Catfish, which is a fascinating species often kept in aquariums for its stunning appearance.

Amazon search for related products: African Butter Catfish on Amazon

Sense 2 - Local Usage

In local regions, genus Malopterurus is a term used to encompass various smaller catfish species found in specific freshwater habitats in Africa. These local varieties play an essential ecological role in those environments.

Amazon search for related products: Local African Catfish on Amazon

Sample Sentences

  1. The African Butter Catfish, a member of the genus Malopterurus, displays vibrant colors and has an elongated body shape.
  2. The local fishing community highly values the genus Malopterurus due to its tasty, tender meat.
  3. I read an interesting article about the breeding habits of various Malopterurus species.
  4. If you're setting up a freshwater aquarium, don't miss out on exploring the diverse species from the genus Malopterurus.
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