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genus ercilla


Definitions from WordNet

Noun genus ercilla has 1 sense
  1. Ercilla, genus Ercilla - a genus of evergreen climbers
    --1 is a kind of caryophylloid dicot genus
    --1 is a member of Phytolaccaceae, family Phytolaccaceae, pokeweed family

Definitions from the Web

Genus Ercilla

Genus Ercilla refers to a specific classification in the field of biology. It is a taxonomic rank used in the hierarchical classification of living organisms, specifically in the realm of plants. The genus Ercilla encompasses a group of closely related plant species that share common characteristics and evolutionary history.

Example Sentences:

  1. The genus Ercilla includes various flowering plants known for their vibrant colors.
  2. Researchers conducted a comprehensive study on the genetic diversity within the genus Ercilla.
  3. The discovery of a new species within the genus Ercilla has significantly expanded our knowledge of plant diversity.
  4. Many horticulturists are fascinated by the beautiful flowers produced by plants belonging to the genus Ercilla.

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