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genus chateura


Definitions from WordNet

Noun genus chateura has 1 sense
  1. Chateura, genus Chateura - a genus of Apodidae
    --1 is a kind of bird genus
    --1 is a member of Apodidae, family Apodidae
    --1 has members: chimney swift, chimney swallow, Chateura pelagica

Definitions from the Web

Genus Chateura

Noun - Zoology:

The genus Chateura belongs to the family Hirundinidae and includes swifts, small bird species known for their exceptional flying abilities and aerial acrobatics.

Example Sentence:

The genus Chateura includes the species Chateura vauxi, commonly known as Vaux's swift.

Noun - Botany:

In botany, genus Chateura refers to a taxonomic rank in the plant kingdom, specifically in the classification of flowering plants.

Example Sentence:

Within the genus Chateura, there are various species of flowering plants that exhibit unique characteristics.

Related Products:

To explore more about swifts, consider checking out the following related products on Amazon:

Swifts Birds

To delve into the botany aspect, here are some related products:

Flowering Plants
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