Definitions from WordNet
Noun genus calypso has 1 sense | ||||
Definitions from the WebGenus CalypsoNoun 1. A small genus of terrestrial orchids, known for their beautiful flowers and delicate fragrance. Example Sentence: The genus Calypso is native to North America and includes species like Calypso bulbosa. Adjective 1. Pertaining to or characteristic of the genus Calypso. Example Sentence: The garden was filled with the enchanting beauty of the genus Calypso orchids. | ||||
genus calophyllum genus calopogon genus calosoma genus caltha genus calvatia genus calycanthus genus calycophyllum genus calymmatobacterium genus calypso genus calystegia genus camassia genus cambarus genus camelina genus camellia genus camelus genus campanula genus campephilus