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Definitions from WordNet

Noun gatefold has 1 sense
  1. foldout, gatefold - an oversize page that is folded in to a book or magazine
    --1 is a kind of page
    --1 has particulars: centerfold, centrefold

Definitions from the Web



A type of fold commonly used in print media such as magazines or albums, where a sheet is folded in such a way that it opens out like a gate to reveal a larger page or image inside.

For example:

  1. The latest fashion magazine has a stunning gatefold showcasing the newest collection.
  2. The album came with a beautiful gatefold that displayed the lyrics and artwork.


Referring to or characteristic of gatefold designs.

For example:

  1. The gatefold layout of the brochure added an element of surprise to the presentation.
  2. This limited edition vinyl has a gatefold cover, making it a desirable collector's item.

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