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Definitions from WordNet

Noun gasman has 1 sense
  1. gasman - someone employed by a gas company
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web



A gasman refers to a person who works in the gas industry, particularly in the field of gas supply, distribution, installation, or maintenance.


  1. Noun: A gasman can refer to a professional who works with and handles gases, such as natural gas or propane.
  2. Noun: In informal British usage, a gasman can also mean a meter reader who records gas consumption for billing purposes.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The gasman came to inspect the gas meter and ensure its proper functioning.
  2. John has been working as a gasman for over ten years, specializing in gas appliance installation.
  3. In the UK, the gasman visits every month to read the gas meter and determine the household's gas usage.
  4. She called the gasman to fix the leak in the gas pipeline.

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