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Definitions from WordNet

Noun gasbag has 2 senses
  1. gasbag, windbag - a boring person who talks a great deal about uninteresting topics
    --1 is a kind of bore, dullard
  2. envelope, gasbag - the bag containing the gas in a balloon
    --2 is a kind of bag
    --2 is a part of balloon

Definitions from the Web


Meaning (noun)

A gasbag refers to a person who talks at length or in a boastful or empty manner without saying anything of substance.

Example Sentence:

During the conference, the keynote speaker turned out to be a complete gasbag, as he rambled on for hours without providing any valuable insights.

Meaning (noun)

In aviation, a gasbag is a flexible envelope that contains a gas, usually hydrogen or helium, used to provide buoyancy to lighter-than-air aircraft such as blimps.

Example Sentence:

The pilot skillfully guided the blimp, adjusting the ropes and monitoring the gasbag to ensure a smooth and stable flight.

Meaning (noun)

A gasbag can also refer to a large bag or pouch, typically made of rubber or fabric, used for storing and transporting gases.

Example Sentence:

The gasbag was carefully filled with compressed air before it was sealed to avoid any leakage during transportation.

Meaning (noun)

In slang, a gasbag can be used to describe a person who is not punctual or reliable.

Example Sentence:

Don't count on him to show up on time, he's such a gasbag when it comes to being punctual.

Meaning (noun)

A gasbag can also refer to a compartment within a vehicle or machine used for storing and containing gas, such as in a fuel tank or a balloon.

Example Sentence:

The mechanic inspected the vehicle to identify any leaks in the gasbag and ensure the safe operation of the fuel system.

Meaning (noun)

In certain contexts, gasbag can refer to a large bag or container that holds gas or air.

Example Sentence:

The inflatable gasbag is a crucial safety feature in the car, as it provides protection to the driver in case of a collision.

Meaning (verb)

To gasbag as a verb means to talk at great length, often in an empty or pretentious manner.

Example Sentence:

He loves to gasbag about his achievements, but there is little substance behind his grandiose claims.

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