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garment bag


Definitions from WordNet

Noun garment bag has 1 sense
  1. garment bag - a suitcase that unfolds to be hung up
    --1 is a kind of
    bag, traveling bag, grip, suitcase

Definitions from the Web


A garment bag is a long bag typically used for carrying clothing, especially formal attire, to protect it from getting wrinkled or damaged during travel or storage.


Sense 1:

Noun: A bag designed specifically for holding and protecting garments, usually made of durable and lightweight material.

Example sentence: I packed my elegant evening gown in a garment bag to ensure it remains pristine for the special event.

Related products: Garment Bags on Amazon

Sense 2:

Noun: A bag used by dry cleaners or tailors to store and transport clothes for customers.

Example sentence: The dry cleaner handed me my freshly laundered clothes neatly folded inside a garment bag.

Related products: Dry Cleaner Garment Bags on Amazon

Sense 3:

Noun: A bag specifically designed for carrying skiwear, including jackets, pants, and other cold-weather garments.

Example sentence: Before hitting the slopes, make sure to pack your ski gear in a high-quality, waterproof garment bag.

Related products: Ski Garment Bags on Amazon

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