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garlic butter


Definitions from WordNet

Noun garlic butter has 1 sense
  1. garlic butter - butter seasoned with mashed garlic
    --1 is a kind of
    spread, paste

Definitions from the Web

Term: Garlic Butter


Garlic butter is a flavored butter mixture made by combining minced garlic with softened butter. It is commonly used as a seasoning or spread in various dishes to add a savory and aromatic taste.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1:


1. A spread made by combining minced garlic with softened butter.

Sample Sentence:

"The recipe calls for spreading garlic butter on the bread before toasting it."

Related Products:

Amazon search for garlic butter products

Sense 2:


1. Describing a dish or food item that has been prepared or cooked with garlic butter as an ingredient.

Sample Sentence:

"The garlic-butter shrimp was the highlight of the dinner party."

Related Products:

Amazon search for recipes using garlic butter

Sense 3:


1. The act of applying or spreading garlic butter onto something.

Sample Sentence:

"She gently garlic-butters the hot corn on the cob."

Related Products:

Amazon search for utensils for spreading garlic butter

For more details and information, please refer to our Garlic Butter page.

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