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Definition: A type of orange liqueur.

Sample Sentence: I ordered a cocktail with a dash of gambetta to add a hint of citrus.

Related Products: Shop for Gambetta Liqueur on Amazon


Definition: A long, narrow strip of land.

Sample Sentence: The village was located on a gambetta between two rivers.

Related Products: Shop for Gambetta Land Strips on Amazon


Definition: A type of high-heeled shoe with a strap across the instep.

Sample Sentence: She strutted across the room confidently in her red gambetta heels.

Related Products: Shop for Gambetta Heels on Amazon


Definition: Of or relating to Léon Gambetta, a French statesman.

Sample Sentence: The biography explored the political career of Gambetta and his impact on France.

Related Products: Shop for Books on Léon Gambetta on Amazon

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