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gable end


Definitions from WordNet

Noun gable end has 1 sense
  1. gable, gable end, gable wall - the vertical triangular wall between the sloping ends of gable roof
    --1 is a kind of wall
    --1 has particulars: bell gable; corbie gable; pediment

Definitions from the Web

Gable End


A gable end refers to the triangular-shaped vertical wall at the end of a building, directly under the roof gable.

Sense 1:

Noun - Architecture

The gable end is the prominent feature of many houses and buildings that have a pitched roof. It provides structural support and adds aesthetic appeal to the structure.

Example sentence: The gable end of the old Victorian house was adorned with intricate woodwork and a beautiful stained glass window.

Sense 2:

Noun - Construction

In construction, the gable end often indicates the vertical wall at the end of a structure where the rafters of a pitched roof are attached.

Example sentence: The workers installed the last truss on the gable end of the barn, completing the roof.

Sense 3:

Noun - Geography

In geography, a gable end can also refer to the vertical wall at the end of a building or structure that faces a particular direction.

Example sentence: The gable end of the house faced the ocean, providing stunning views from the upper floor.

Sense 4:

Noun - Punctuation

Gable end can also be used in reference to the triangular punctuation mark (˄) commonly used in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) for indicating a rising tone in speech.

Example sentence: The word "rise" is transcribed as /raɪ˄z/ with a gable end symbol in IPA notation.

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