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fur hat


Definitions from WordNet

Noun fur hat has 1 sense
  1. fur hat - a hat made of fur
    --1 is a kind of
    hat, chapeau, lid
    --1 has particulars: beaver, castor

Definitions from the Web

Fur Hat


A fur hat is a head covering made from the fur of animals, typically worn for warmth in cold weather or as a fashion accessory.


  1. Common Usage: A hat made entirely of fur, usually with a brim and earflaps for added warmth.
  2. Local Usage: In specific regions or cultures, a fur hat may refer to a particular style or design of the hat.


Common Usage:

  • I wore a cozy fur hat to keep my head warm during the winter hike.
  • She looked stylish in her fur hat at the fashion show.

Local Usage:

  • In Russia, the fur hat known as ushanka is a popular choice for extreme cold weather.
  • The Inuit people traditionally wear fur hats called avataq to protect themselves from the cold Arctic climate.

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