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Definitions from the Web

Term: full-steam


noun: The maximum level of energy, enthusiasm, or effort.

adjective: Showing or involving maximum energy, enthusiasm, or effort.

verb: To proceed or operate at maximum energy, enthusiasm, or effort.

adverb: With maximum energy, enthusiasm, or effort.

Sample Sentences:


  1. The team approached the project with full-steam, determined to meet the deadline.
  2. She works with full-steam, always giving her best.


  1. The company's full-steam approach to customer service has earned them a loyal following.
  2. They tackled the challenge with a full-steam effort.


  1. Let's full-steam ahead and complete the task before the end of the day.
  2. The train full-steam through the countryside, reaching its destination in record time.


  1. He ran full-steam towards the finish line, determined to win the race.
  2. The team worked full-steam to prepare for the upcoming tournament.

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