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Part of Speech:

1. Verb - Past tense of the verb "ser" in Portuguese

2. Verb - Past tense of the verb "ir" in Portuguese

3. Noun - Abbreviation for "Families Under the Influence", a non-profit organization

4. Noun - Acronym for "Faculty of Urbanism and Architecture" in Romania

Sense 1: Verb - Past Tense of "ser" in Portuguese

When used as a verb, "fui" is the first person singular past tense of the verb "ser" in Portuguese. It translates to "I was" in English.

Sample Sentence:

"Hoje, fui muito feliz." (Today, I was very happy.)

Sense 2: Verb - Past Tense of "ir" in Portuguese

"Fui" also serves as the first person singular past tense of the verb "ir" in Portuguese. It means "I went" in English.

Sample Sentence:

"Ontem, fui ao cinema com meus amigos." (Yesterday, I went to the movies with my friends.)

Sense 3: Noun - Abbreviation for "Families Under the Influence"

In non-profit organization context, "fui" is an abbreviation for "Families Under the Influence." It refers to an organization that aims to provide support and assistance to families affected by substance abuse.

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Sense 4: Noun - Acronym for "Faculty of Urbanism and Architecture"

In Romania, "fui" is an acronym for "Faculty of Urbanism and Architecture." It represents a specific academic institution that offers studies and research related to urbanism and architecture.

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