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fretted instrument


Definitions from the Web

Fretted Instrument

A fretted instrument refers to a musical instrument that has strings stretched across a neck, which is divided into multiple frets. The frets act as a guide for the musician to produce specific pitches by pressing down on the strings against the fretboard. This type of instrument allows for precise intonation control and is commonly used in various genres of music.



  1. He is proficient in playing various fretted instruments such as the guitar, banjo, and ukulele.
  2. The luthier specializes in crafting exquisite fretted instruments.


  1. She enjoys the resonant tones produced by the fretted instrument.
  2. The band incorporated the beautiful sounds of fretted instruments into their latest album.

Verb (Present Participle):

  1. While practicing, he was fretting the strings on his fretted instrument to achieve perfect intonation.
  2. She loves fretting the chords on her fretted instrument to create melodic harmonies.

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