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fresnel lens


Definitions from WordNet

Noun fresnel lens has 1 sense
  1. Fresnel lens - lens composed of a number of small lenses arranged to make a lightweight lens of large diameter and short focal length
    --1 is a kind of
    lens, lense, lens system
    --1 is a part of headlight, headlamp; searchlight

Definitions from the Web

Fresnel Lens

A Fresnel lens is a type of optical lens that is made up of multiple concentric annular sections, creating a lightweight and thin structure compared to traditional lenses. It is named after its inventor, Augustin-Jean Fresnel, a French physicist.


Sense 1: Optical Lens

As an optical lens, a Fresnel lens is characterized by its unique design with concentric grooves on one or both surfaces. These grooves enable the lens to achieve similar optical properties as thicker and heavier traditional lenses while using less material.

Sample sentence 1: The Fresnel lens is widely used in lighthouses to focus and magnify light signals over long distances.

Sample sentence 2: The Fresnel lens in the overhead projector helps to project clear and bright images on the screen.

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Sense 2: Solar Concentrator

A Fresnel lens can be used as a solar concentrator, directing and focusing sunlight towards a specific point or onto a solar panel for collecting energy.

Sample sentence 1: The large-scale solar power plant utilizes an array of Fresnel lenses to concentrate sunlight onto the central receiver, which then converts it into electricity.

Sample sentence 2: Outdoor cooking enthusiasts often utilize a Fresnel lens as a portable solar cooker to quickly heat and cook food using solar power.

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Sense 3: Magnifier

Fresnel lenses are frequently used as magnifiers due to their lightweight and compact design, making them ideal for various applications.

Sample sentence 1: People with visual impairments often use a handheld Fresnel lens to enlarge text for easier reading.

Sample sentence 2: The detective inspected the tiny details of the crime scene using a Fresnel lens magnifying glass.

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