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free agency


Definitions from WordNet

Noun free agency has 1 sense
  1. free agency - (sports) the state of a professional athlete who is free to negotiate a contract to play for any team
    --1 is a kind of
    representation, delegacy, agency

Definitions from the Web

Term: Free Agency


Free agency refers to a system in professional sports where players are not under contract with any specific team and are able to sign with any team of their choosing.


Sense 1:


1. The status or condition of a professional athlete who is not bound by a contract and can negotiate terms with any team.

Example Sentences:

  • After his contract expired, the basketball player entered free agency to explore offers from other teams.
  • Several star players became free agents during the off-season, causing a frenzy among teams vying for their services.

Sense 2:


1. The principle or practice of the unrestricted movement of individuals between teams or organizations.

Example Sentences:

  • Free agency has brought significant changes to the dynamics of professional sports, giving players more control over their careers.
  • The introduction of free agency in the league led to a more unpredictable and competitive environment.

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