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frederick sanger


Definitions from WordNet

Noun frederick sanger has 1 sense
  1. Sanger, Frederick Sanger, Fred Sanger - English biochemist who determined the sequence of amino acids in insulin and who invented a technique to determine the genetic sequence of an organism (born in 1918)
    --1 is a kind of biochemist

Definitions from the Web

Frederick Sanger

Noun: Frederick Sanger

Definition: A British biochemist who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry twice, first in 1958 for his work on the structure of proteins, and then in 1980 for his technique to determine the base sequences in DNA.

Example Sentence: Frederick Sanger's groundbreaking research on protein structure revolutionized the field of biochemistry.

Adjective: Sangeresque

Definition: Relating to or characteristic of the work or techniques developed by Frederick Sanger.

Example Sentence: The Sangeresque method of DNA sequencing is widely used in molecular biology laboratories.

Related Products: Biography of Frederick Sanger, Protein Structure books, DNA Sequencing equipment

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