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fraxinus nigra


Definitions from WordNet

Noun fraxinus nigra has 1 sense
  1. black ash, basket ash, brown ash, hoop ash, Fraxinus nigra - vigorous spreading North American tree having dark brown heavy wood; leaves turn gold in autumn
    --1 is a kind of ash, ash tree

Definitions from the Web

Fraxinus Nigra


Fraxinus nigra is a species of flowering plant in the olive family. Commonly known as black ash, it is native to eastern and central North America. Black ash trees are deciduous and typically grow in wetlands or along the edges of streams and lakes.

Senses and Usages:

  1. Noun: Referring to the species of tree or its wood.
  2. Sample Sentence: The fraxinus nigra provides valuable timber for furniture and craft industries.

  3. Adjective: Describing something related to the black ash tree.
  4. Sample Sentence: The fraxinus nigra leaves turned a beautiful golden color in the fall.

  5. Botany: Referring to the study and classification of the Fraxinus nigra species.
  6. Sample Sentence: The botanist specialized in the taxonomy of fraxinus nigra.

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