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fragaria ananassa


Definitions from WordNet

Noun fragaria ananassa has 1 sense
  1. garden strawberry, cultivated strawberry, Fragaria ananassa - widely cultivated
    --1 is a kind of strawberry
    --1 is a member of Fragaria, genus Fragaria
    --1 has parts: strawberry

Definitions from the Web

Fragaria ananassa


Fragaria ananassa is the scientific name for the garden strawberry, a popular cultivated fruit species of the genus Fragaria. It is widely known for its sweet taste, vibrant red color, and juicy texture. Fragaria ananassa belongs to the rose family (Rosaceae) and is native to Europe, although it is grown and enjoyed worldwide.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun


Sense 1: The garden strawberry, Fragaria ananassa.


Popular usage:

  1. Consumption: Fragaria ananassa is widely loved for its delectable taste and is commonly consumed fresh, in desserts, and as a flavoring in various food and beverage products.
  2. Commercial farming: Fragaria ananassa is a major crop worldwide, grown for its economic value in the fresh fruit market and for processing.

Local usage:

  1. Cultivation: Many local farmers grow Fragaria ananassa in their gardens and farms for personal consumption or selling locally.
  2. Community events: Fragaria ananassa harvest festivals are popular local events in areas where it is cultivated, celebrating the strawberry's arrival and providing opportunities to enjoy various strawberry-based dishes.

Sample Sentences:


  1. The Fragaria ananassa is a small, red, and juicy fruit packed with sweetness.
  2. Local farmers are excited about this year's Fragaria ananassa harvest.

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