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foveal vision


Definitions from WordNet

Noun foveal vision has 1 sense
  1. foveal vision - vision with the fovea
    --1 is a kind of
    daylight vision, photopic vision

Definitions from the Web

Foveal Vision


Foveal Vision refers to the central and sharpest region of vision in the eye, which is responsible for detailed and clear perception of objects. It is the result of light focusing directly on the fovea, a small depression in the retina. This specialized area of the retina contains a high concentration of cone cells, enabling color perception and maximum visual acuity.

Sample Sentences:

  1. When reading a book, we use foveal vision to focus on individual words and process the information.
  2. During eye exams, optometrists often examine the foveal vision to determine the health and acuity of a person's central vision.
  3. The photographer captured the intricate details of the flower using his foveal vision to achieve a stunning close-up shot.

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