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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective forgettable has 1 sense
  1. forgettable - easily forgotten
    unforgettable, haunting, persistent, lingering, memorable

Definitions from the Web

Term: Forgettable

Part of Speech: Adjective

Description: Forgettable is used to describe something that is easily forgotten or not memorable.

Sample Sentences:

1. The movie was so forgettable that I couldn't even remember the main character's name.

2. The presentation was filled with forgettable statistics that left the audience bored.

3. I had a forgettable experience at the restaurant, as the food was mediocre at best.

Part of Speech: Noun

Description: As a noun, forgettable refers to a person or thing that is easily forgotten.

Sample Sentences:

1. After being away for so long, she became just another forgettable face in the crowd.

2. The party was filled with forgettables: strangers who didn't make a lasting impression.

Part of Speech: Adverb

Description: Forgettable, when used as an adverb, describes an action done in a way that is easily forgotten or not noteworthy.

Sample Sentences:

1. The band played forgettably, failing to leave an impact on the audience.

2. She sang the national anthem forgettably, stumbling over the lyrics.

Related Products: Forgettable Movies, Forgettable Novels
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