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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective fore has 2 senses
  1. fore - situated at or toward the bow of a vessel
    aft, after, aftermost
  2. fore, front - located anteriorly
    Antonym: posterior (indirect, via anterior)

Definitions from the Web



A person or thing that comes before or serves as a precursor or harbinger of something.

Sense 1:

The forerunner of a trend or fashion.

Sample sentence: The flapper dress was the forerunner of modern women's fashion in the 1920s.

Sense 2:

A person who predicts or foretells a specific future event.

Sample sentence: Many believe Nostradamus was a forerunner who accurately predicted significant world events.


Referring to something that came before or is preliminary in nature.

Sense 1:

A forer gesture or action which indicates future actions or outcomes.

Sample sentence: His forer speech hinted at his upcoming retirement announcement.

Sense 2:

A forer experiment conducted to test the viability of a new theory.

Sample sentence: The scientist carried out a forer study to determine if the new treatment had potential.

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